What’s the game plan?!

Let’s make sure it’s crystal clear… together.

Coach Roger Smith | Roger Smith

the what.

Mental & Physical Toughness that Sustains Your Journey to Success.

the how.

A New Approach to Athletic & Personal Development

I help athletes of all ages identify their purpose, and obtain clear athletic direction, to maximize the ability to achieve their goals. I am a holistic life and athletic coach who’s on a mission to build mental toughness and character. Specifically, I focus on a technique called Brain-Typing, originally developed by Jonathan P. Niednegal, who identified it as “your key to sports success”. I am an expert in assessing an athlete’s brain type, and then using it to identify the best path to success for players, coaches, guardians, and all adjacent professional involvement.

the why.

“What’s amazing to me is looking back and realizing how young I was when I found my purpose—

Coming from this little settlement in the Bahamas, if I can make it to the Olympics, achieve top 100 ranking on the ATP World Tour, travel the world, and now train the next generation of Grand Slam Tennis Champions… you can achieve your dreams & hard-earned success too!”

What I do.

  • Individual Adolescent Athlete 1:1 Development

  • Intermediate to Advance Adult Development. (athlete | parent | coach | adjacent professional)

  • Relationship development between Athlete + [ Parent | Coach | Adjacent Professional ]